Latest Jobs

Jan 29, 2025
Full time
Sun Pacific Energy Satapuala, Samoa
Sun Pacific Energy is looking for a mature aged, qualified carpenter to join their team. Other duties included concreting, painting and general carpentry work. At present we are currently undertaking a refurbishment and expansion of our solar site. Preferred applicant: Good communication skills Ability to manage a small team Installing formwork and cementing Assisting in painting and installation of solar panels. Email or call Kiliffi on 7265256 .

Team Talk

MyJobsSamoa lets you create a smart job alert in 3 easy steps. Once created new jobs will be automatically emailed to you daily. How to set up a job alert to receive list of ALL 3 easy steps Go to the home page and find the search bar as below Click on FIND JOBS – DO NOT enter any keywords or location. CREATE ALERT – after steps 1 & 2 a listing of jobs appears. Click on CREATE ALERT This will give an unfiltered...
Is this you? You have job vacancies delivered to your mobile device and you think life couldn't be any better when applying for a job? The fingers tap away on "Apply Now"...and another application sent - yay!   Now all you have to do is wait for the interview call and then... a day passes by then another....followed by a week and eventually a month.  You have stuck to the same routine each day without success what are you doing wrong?...
 HOW DO I APPLY IN MYJOBS  ? - Q&A Q1. How do I apply for jobs that I see on A. You will need to sign up on this job site. It’s quite easy to do. If you need help email us Q2. Do I need to have an employer’s email address when applying for a job? A. There is a button “apply now “ next to each job listing - you click on this and apply for any role that interests you. The employer’s email is...
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