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Is this you? You have job vacancies delivered to your mobile device and you think life couldn't be any better when applying for a job? The fingers tap away on "Apply Now"...and another application sent - yay!   Now all you have to do is wait for the interview call and then... a day passes by then another....followed by a week and eventually a month.  You have stuck to the same routine each day without success what are you doing wrong?...
 HOW DO I APPLY IN MYJOBS  ? - Q&A Q1. How do I apply for jobs that I see on A. You will need to sign up on this job site. It’s quite easy to do. If you need help email us Q2. Do I need to have an employer’s email address when applying for a job? A. There is a button “apply now “ next to each job listing - you click on this and apply for any role that interests you. The employer’s email is...
Q1. What do I need to register as a job seeker? A1. A valid email is required for you to register as a job seeker  (you must have an email eg a gmail or yahoo)   Q2. Can I use my work email? A2: You can use your work email.....BUT do you wish your employer/IT staff to know that you are looking for a job? We let you decide...   Q3. How many job seeker accounts should I have? A3: Just one! If you submit multiple requests - all...
We recently polled our user database to gauge how likely they were to leave their existing employer. The results surprised us! Admittedly it was not a scientific poll but an indicator of how people are feeling. Staff Turnover - good or bad? Any staff turnover used to be seen negatively in the jobs for life era but now amongst many circles - it is celebrated at least when it is a "healthy" churn.  New staff can bring new ideas and fresh...
HOW DO I PREPARE A CV (Curriculum Vitae or Resume) - Q&A Q1. What does a CV normally have?  A. Your CV is a document that tells about your goals, education, experience, referees. Q2. Do I need to prepare a CV? A. Some employers prefer you to have a CV so it’s best to have one. Q3. How do I create or make a CV? A. We will have some templates on our job site that you can use as a guide. You will need a computer with word...
Below is general advice we gave someone asking for comments on their CV.  We publish this here for the benefit of others who may find applicable.  Hi XXXX Firstly, we aren't experts at this but have the benefit of experience. A CV is a personal document and its purpose is to get you through the door for an interview.  So, your CV should end up in the "call for interview" rather than the "reject" pile.  You need to get into the...
We all have mission and values statements incorporating us, our customers and employees. But, what about potential employees? It is easy in our busy day to day HR and recruiting work, to fail our marketing colleagues in "living the brand". To state another way, we are privileged to be working in our roles so what are we doing to make sure it is that much easier for the next person coming in? 1. Candidates are the "H" in HR  In a...