The Samoa Hotel & Hospitality Association was established on 4 October 2001 and is an industry association of members who share common interests, goals and objectives for tourism and accommodation standards in Samoa. Membership base covers a wide range of tourism providers.
SHA’s mission is to develop, enhance and market a tourism industry that is profitable, maintains high standards and is culturally and environmentally aware.
It aspires to create more economic opportunities for members; provide information and capacity building for members; garner support and commitment from members; promote transparency and accountability, fair and ethical business practices, quality services and safety standards. It aims to promote cultural and environmental awareness for the industry, research and utilize new technologies; provide ongoing support to Government for policy development and essentially contribute towards economic growth in Samoa.
The organization employs 4 locals (including the Manager) and is governed by a 7-member Executive Council who are all elected and promote the organisation’s interests on a voluntary basis.
Apart from advocating for member issues with Government and in close collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce, the organization operates an e-booking service for members as well as facilitates the Tourism Tsunami Rebuilding Programme (TTRP) under the Private Sector Support Facility (PSSF) funding from the Government of New Zealand which is due to be completed in June 2012.