Samoa Bureau of Statistics

Samoa Bureau of Statistics to be the leader in providing relevant, quality statistics for the benefit of Samoa. The Bureau of Statistics has a mandate to support statistical activities and services in Samoa. 

In this role SBS can sometimes help in practical aspects of the design and carrying out of statistical activities, and provide information about best practise and international standards for statistics.

If you are involved in the development or use of statistics about Samoa, contact the Bureau. Advice can be given in areas  including:

  • Questionnaire design
  • Survey design
  • Sample selection for household surveys
  • Maps of sampled areas
  • Recruitment and management of interviewers
  • Advice on processing data
  • Training on statistical analysis and report writing
  • Standard classifications and methods for Samoa

Using samples of households from the Bureau’s GIS household survey frame helps to manage the survey burden on Samoa’s small population.