Australia Pacific Training Coalition

  • Apia, Samoa

The Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) is a centre of training excellence, helping you gain Australian-standard skills and qualifications for a wide range of vocational careers throughout the Pacific.

We work closely with industry representatives around the Pacific to ensure our training programs are relevant and aligned with current career opportunities for our graduates – careers where skilled employees are in high demand.

In addition to training for individuals, we offer employers customised training and consultancy services in targeted industry sectors to increase the productivity of their employees and the organisation.

APTC is an Australian Government initiative announced at the Pacific Islands Forum in 2006 and welcomed by Pacific Island leaders. We are funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and managed by TAFE Queensland (RTO 0275). 

APTC offers Australian qualifications from Certificate III to Diploma level training in various vocational areas. Courses are delivered by highly regarded and qualified trainers, and when you successfully complete your course you will enjoy the benefits of an accredited Australian qualification.